Alia Bhatt celebrated a special milestone as Brahmastra marked its one-year anniversary. This film holds a unique place in Alia's heart, as it was during its filming that her off-screen romance with Ranbir Kapoor began. In celebration of this significant occasion, Alia shared a delightful behind-the-scenes (BTS) video from the movie's production.
The BTS video is a treasure trove of candid and heartwarming moments. It commences with director Ayan Mukerji briefing Alia Bhatt about a scene, where she is asked to hug him from behind while he performs. The lighthearted atmosphere is palpable as Alia bursts into laughter, and Ranbir Kapoor, whose voice can be heard off-camera, exclaims, "moment hai! moment hai!"
The video offers glimpses of the film's journey, including the first look test picture of Alia and Ranbir. There's a cute shot of Ayan Mukerji meditating on a flight, completely unaware of the camera capturing his serenity, while Alia smiles into the lens. The video even features a cute moment with Ranbir Kapoor, who can be seen playfully covering his head with a towel.
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Alia Bhatt captioned the video with heartfelt sentiments, saying, "A piece of our hearts." She goes on to capture cherished moments from Varanasi to abroad, highlighting the bond shared by Ranbir-Alia and Ayan. Alia expressed her disbelief that it has already been a year since the film's inception, signing off with "Love & Light always."
Prior to Alia's post, director Ayan Mukerjee also marked the film's one-year anniversary by sharing a video that included snippets from the first installment. He reminisced about introducing the world to "Astras" on September 9, 2022, and expressed gratitude for the creativity, hard work, and life lessons learned during the filmmaking journey.
Karan Johar, the film's producer, also joined in the celebration, posting a video and emphasizing the profound dedication and effort that went into creating "Brahmastra." He underscored the power of love and light, hinting at the enduring impact of the film.
"Brahmastra" featured Ranbir Kapoor as Shiva and Alia Bhatt as Isha, and it was during the filming of this epic that their real-life romance blossomed. The couple got married the following year and welcomed their daughter, Raha, in November. The film itself continues to hold a special place in the hearts of fans and the industry, with the promise of more magic to come in the next installments of the "Brahmastra" journey.