Anil Kapoor celebrated his 53rd birthday yesterday with an gathering of close family and friends. The workacholic just took one day off and is back to shooting today
Anil Kapoor celebrated his 53rd birthday yesterday with an gathering of close family and friends. The workacholic just took one day off and is back to shooting today. He laughs, "I am not a workaholic. I love meeting peopleu00a0-- I love people and I love my work.
But today films are not so important as my family and friends. I have been having my birthday get-together at my Juhu home for the last 26 years with the same group of friendsu00a0-- Satish Kaushik, Ashok Thakeria, Indra Kumar, Shabana Azmi and Javed Akhtar, my brothers Boney and Sanjay with their families and this year we were joined by my children's (Sonam, Rhea and Harsh) friends. While some will play poker, others will drink or dance."