After Jackky Bhagnani's debut film Kal Kissne Dekha proved to be a turkey, Vashu Bhagnani is re-launching him in Remo D'Souza's FALTU and doesn't want to take any chances.
Jackky Bhagnani's debut film Kal Kissne Dekha proved to be a turkey,
Vashu Bhagnani is re-launching him in Remo D'Souza's FALTU and doesn't want to take any chances. The filmmaker was the first to lock April 1 as the release date but later Teen Thay Bhai and the Abhishek Bachchan-starrer Game were also announced the same release date. As Vashu wants a solo release, he is not happy with the development.
He is negotiating with the producers of both the films to postpone their films. Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra has now shifted his production Teen Thay Bhai to April 15. It is yet to be seen whether the Bachchans (with whom Bhagnani shares a great bond) will oblige him or not. Our advice? Don't be too hopeful.