Celina Jaitly, the Bollywood actress, recently revealed that the Ministry for External Affairs (MEA) has taken action against false accusations made by a Pakistani film critic and journalist, Umair Sandhu. In a tweet earlier this year, Sandhu claimed that Celina had "slept" with actor Fardeen Khan and his late father, Feroz Khan. Outraged by these baseless allegations, Celina took a stand and responded to the tweet, garnering immense support from fans and fellow artists.
In a lengthy note shared on Twitter, Celina disclosed that the MEA has raised the issue with the Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi and demanded an immediate investigation and action. She also posted a picture of the letter sent by the MEA to the National Commission for Women (NCW) in support of her complaint.
Celina recounted the distressing experience of being falsely accused and harassed by Umair Sandhu, who not only targeted her but also made claims threatening the safety and security of her family, even in Austria. She applauded the solidarity she received from millions of Twitter users, including Pakistani nationals who were equally appalled by Sandhu's behavior.
Despite Umair changing his online locations, Celina took a strong stand and approached the NCW, which promptly acknowledged her complaint and addressed the matter with the MEA. The Ministry's serious response and its action against the incident demonstrated their commitment to protecting Indian women's dignity and upholding their pride.
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Celina emphasized that her fight against Umair Sandhu's false accusations goes beyond her personal character; it is also an attack on her integrity, motherhood, family, and her late mentor, Feroz Khan. Feroz Khan, who played a crucial role in Celina's career, is no longer alive to defend himself, making the situation even more distressing.
As the daughter of an Indian army war hero, Celina pledged to fight for justice until her last breath, even if it meant going to Pakistan to confront the individual responsible for the slander.
Expressing her gratitude, Celina thanked the NCW, especially its chief, Rekha Sharma, and Kushbu Sundar for their unwavering support. She also extended her appreciation to the minister and the Indian government for standing as her protectors and guardians.
Celina expressed immense pride in being an Indian woman, and she credited her country for treating her as a daughter, where the government safeguards her honor and dignity. She thanked her friends, the Indian army colleagues of her late father, the Twitterati, and the Indian media for their resolute support during this challenging ordeal.