In a notable turn of events, Adah Sharma, renowned for her performance in The Kerala Story, has reportedly acquired the Mumbai apartment once inhabited by the late actor Sushant Singh Rajput prior to his tragic demise in 2020. Reports emerged that Adah has purchased the Mont Blanc Apartments flat, a piece of news that gained traction after a paparazzo first hinted at the possibility. Seeking verification, TellyChakkar contacted Adah's team, confirming the authenticity of the purchase. However, whether Adah intends to move into the apartment and the timeline for such a move remain undisclosed aspects, leaving room for intrigue and speculation.
The Mont Blanc Apartments gained notoriety following Sushant Singh Rajput's untimely passing, with subsequent reports suggesting a hike in the apartment's rent. Moreover, the dwelling garnered significant interest from potential buyers. The news of Adah's acquisition was disseminated on Instagram by the portal, sparking diverse reactions from netizens.
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Sushant Singh Rajput's unfortunate demise occurred on June 14, 2020. The following year saw reports of his sea-facing Mumbai residence being offered for rent, commanding a monthly fee of â¹4.5 lakh for the duplex property.
The case surrounding Sushant's passing was subsequently handed over to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). The Enforcement Directorate and the Narcotics Control Bureau also stepped in to examine financial and drug-related aspects connected to the case. However, despite the passage of three years, the CBI's investigation has yet to reach a definitive conclusion regarding the circumstances of his death.
Turning the spotlight back to Adah, her most recent appearance was in the highly discussed film The Kerala Story, a project that garnered both attention and acclaim. Her performance further solidified her reputation as a versatile and skilled actress. Earlier this month, Adah's social media presence took a more personal turn as she candidly shared a health update. The actress revealed her hospitalization due to severe diarrhea and a diagnosis of food allergies, shedding light on the challenges she was confronting.
As Adah Sharma's acquisition of the Mumbai flat previously inhabited by Sushant Singh Rajput continues to capture attention, the speculation surrounding the apartment's significance and Adah's intentions remains a topic of interest among fans and the industry alike.