The excitement in the air is palpable as Bollywood's beloved actress, Parineeti Chopra, and her beau, Raghav Chadha, gear up for their much-anticipated wedding on September 24th in the enchanting city of Udaipur. Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Raghav Chadha's MP flat at Pandara Road in Delhi has been beefed up with tight security, ahead of his wedding with actress Parineeti Chopra.
While the couple had initially kept the date and venue under wraps, the wedding preparations have been revealed in all their glory, promising a grand celebration.
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If reports are to be believed, Raghav Chadha will embark on a majestic journey as he leads his baraat (wedding procession) from the ethereal Hotel Lake Palace to the opulent Hotel Leela Palace. What makes this procession even more enchanting is that it will be a boat ride across the waters, adding an extra element of romance to the festivities.
The heart of the wedding, the sacred pheras, where the couple walks around the holy fire, is set to take place at around 3 PM on Sunday. This time-honored Hindu wedding ritual signifies the eternal bond between Parineeti and Raghav and will undoubtedly be a moment filled with profound meaning and love.
In keeping with the theme of nostalgia, Parineeti Chopra's Sangeet ceremony promises to be a musical journey back to the '90s. The celebration will be infused with the timeless melodies and rhythms of that era, transporting guests to a bygone era of music and dance.
Accommodations for approximately 200 esteemed guests have been meticulously arranged, ensuring their comfort and enjoyment throughout the festivities. The culinary offerings will be a delightful fusion of Punjabi flavors and Rajasthani delicacies.
The warmth of Rajasthani culture and traditions will welcome the guests as they step into this grand celebration. From welcoming rituals to the exquisite mandap, adorned with special white flowers sourced from Kolkata and Delhi, every detail has been carefully curated to create an atmosphere of beauty and grace.
The love story of Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha reached a significant milestone when they exchanged engagement vows in the presence of family members and close friends back in May. The Kapurthala House in Delhi witnessed their heartfelt commitment to each other, setting the stage for the upcoming wedding.