Ganesh Chaturthi festivities kickstarted across the country on Tuesday. With chants of Lord Ganpati, families invited him home. Bollywood celebrities celebrated the festival with joy and fervour. Priyanka Chopra Jonas, who is currently accompanying Nick Jonas on his concert tour across the US, shared a special Ganesh Chaturthi post on Instagram.
Priyanka and her daughter Malti Marie Chopra Jonas celebrated Ganesh Chaturthi in Los Angeles. The actress shared pictures of her one-year-old girl playing with a toy Ganpati. Dressed in a pastel pink outfit, Malti wore bangles and applied a bindi too.
Sharing adorable clicks of Malti, Priyanka wrote, "A girl and her Ganpati. Always with us.. wherever we go.. "
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Priyanka, who has been staying in the US for several years now, is close to her Indian roots and culture. Married to Nick, the actress and her husband respect each other's faith. Victoria's Secret's VS Voices podcast, she revealed, "Spiritually, Nick and I align when it comes to our feelings and our relationship with our faith. Of course, we have been raised with different faiths. I am a believer that eventually, religion is a map to get to the same destination, which is God. So, whatever your faith has been when you were raised, we are all going in the same direction to a higher power. We both align on that."
She added, "I do a lot of pujas in the house which are prayer ceremonies. Nick usually asks me to do them whenever we are starting something big because that is how I have always started something auspicious in my life, with a prayer of thanks. I have had that upbringing and he has had that upbringing and we have sort of created that within our family as well."
Priyanka is expected to be in India this week to attend her cousin sister Parineeti Chopra's wedding with politician Raghav Chadha. The festivities will reportedly kickstart in Rajasthan closer to the weekend. Nick might have to skip the wedding as he will be performing with his brothers during the Jonas Brothers concert. Reportedly, Malti Marie will be attending her aunt's wedding with her mother Priyanka.