Veteran actress Shabana Azmi is currently riding the wave of success following the release of her latest film, 'Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani'. Alongside her impeccable acting skills, a particular kissing scene she shares with Dharmendra in the movie has sparked quite the conversation. However, amidst all the positive reviews, Shabana Azmi found herself caught in an unfortunate incident on August 22. She took to her social media to share that she's been targeted by an impersonation attempt through messages. The actress promptly took action by filing a police complaint against these phishing attempts that were falsely using her name.
On an eventful August 22, Shabana Azmi made use of her Twitter platform to provide an update to her loyal fans and followers. She candidly revealed the disconcerting experience of someone trying to masquerade as her through messages. To counter these deceitful attempts, she announced her decision to lodge a police complaint, tackling the phishing issue head-on. In her own words, she wrote, "NOTICE... It has come to our notice that some of our colleagues and associates, have received messages purported to be from Ms Shabana Azmi. These are clearly "phishing" attempts asking responders to make purchases on App Store for the messenger. Please do not reply or pick any calls/messages that appear to be coming to you from Shabanaji. This is a cybercrime of impersonation, and we are making a police complaint. As of now the two numbers from which these messages have been reported are +66987577041 and +998917811675. Thank you. (sic.)"
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On another note, when discussing the much-discussed kiss scene in RRKPK, Shabana Azmi shared her thoughts with PTI. She candidly revealed, "The comments I've been receiving mostly express surprise, like, 'Oh wow, we could have never imagined you in such a role, and you pull it off with such grace.' The word 'grace' comes up frequently. You're never really prepared for such things... But it makes me wonder why it's so astonishing... Why is it hard to believe that an actor known for portraying strong women can also embrace a romantic role?"
Shabana Azmi's journey continues to be a blend of triumphs and challenges, both on and off-screen. The conversation around her role in 'RRKPK' brings to light the need to expand our perceptions and embrace the complexity of artists.