Shah Rukh Khan's fans are on cloud nine as his film, Jawan, has surpassed every expectation and re-established him as the 'King' of the box office with two back-to-back blockbusters. Recently, the superstar hosted a special press conference to celebrate the success of the actioner. Fans were a part of it along with the Mumbai media.
For fans who couldn't make it to the press conference on Friday, Shah Rukh stepped out of his residence Mannat, and reached the podium created near the gate of the bungalow. He greeted a sea of people and thanked them for their love and support.
Dressed in a blue t-shirt, Shah Rukh blew kisses at his fans. He also did his signature open-arm gesture for them. This caused the traffic outside Mannat to stop for a while on Sunday.
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At the press conference, Shah Rukh stated what Jawan means. He said, "Jawan in emotion, Jawan is an Indian soldier, Jawan is an Indian mother, Jawan is an Indian girl, Jawan is an Indian vigilante. And you have to understand that Jawan, many times, is very weak because he is all of us. And many times, he is ready for a fight. Jawan, is many times, wrong, but very-many times, he is also right. Jawan, sometimes, will live in the darkness, sometimes, Jawan will be the one who will be emitting the light. And finally, all of us, and every Indian is 'Jawan', who is upright. Please remember that."
Shah Rukh also revealed that his children Aryan Khan and Suhana Khan motivated him to start working after a gap of 3 years. He shared, "I have not worked for a long time. I take everything positively. I was very nervous since I hadn't worked for a long time. Returning to a film set after 3 years itself was very new. I was feeling different. The whole thing was my elder son Aryan told me, "We knew when we were growing up what stardom in the air feels like because your films were hits." The daughter (Suhana) said, "I know it too". They said, "But the little one (AbRam) knows you are a star but never seen or felt it in the air. So, for the next 5 films, please work very hard, and make him feel it in the air. He'll love you, and respect you."
Shah Rukh returned with Pathaan after Zero in 2018. Jawan is his second release of the year. The superstar plans to end 2023 with Rajkumar Hirani's Dunki on Christmas.