Gayatri Joshi, a talented actress who made her debut alongside Shah Rukh Khan in the critically acclaimed film Swades, took a bold and unconventional decision by quitting Bollywood after her first movie. While Swades may not have achieved remarkable success at the box office, it received widespread appreciation from critics for its powerful storytelling and outstanding performances. Gayatri started her journey in the entertainment industry during her college days as a model. Before stepping into the world of acting, she became a familiar face in the advertising world, endorsing renowned brands like Godrej, LG, Ponds, Bombay Dyeing, Sunsilk, and Philips.
Her modeling career soared to new heights in 1999 when she participated in the Miss India pageant and secured a place among the top five finalists. The following year proved to be a milestone for her as she won the title of Miss India International, which earned her the honor of representing India at the Miss International 2000 pageant in Japan.
Following the release of Swades in 2004, Gayatri Joshi made a life-altering decision to bid adieu to the glitz and glamour of Bollywood. In 2005, she tied the knot with Vikas Oberoi, a prominent realtor, and chose to embrace a more private and low-profile life away from the limelight. Vikas Oberoi, aged 52, holds the prestigious positions of Chairman and Managing Director at Oberoi Realty Ltd, a company with a market capitalization of approximately Rs 30,000 crore. With an impressive net worth of USD 3.5 billion (over Rs 28,000 crore), Vikas Oberoi is currently ranked as the 65th richest Indian by Forbes.
Swades, released in 2004, portrays the story of an NRI NASA engineer portrayed by Shah Rukh Khan, who returns to his homeland, India, to bring about positive change in a rural village. Interestingly, around the time of the movie's release, Gayatri Joshi embarked on a new chapter in her life by marrying Vikas Oberoi. Currently, she resides in Mumbai with her husband and their two children.
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In an exclusive conversation with a publication on the 15th anniversary of Swades, Gayatri Oberoi opened up about her decision to leave the acting world. She candidly shared, "I had an open mind and was willing to hear scripts. I believed a great opportunity would come my way soon. While I received awards for Best Newcomer, sometimes things don't go as planned. Meeting my husband, Vikas Oberoi, made me realize I wanted a fulfilling family life more than being in Bollywood. My husband is truly my soul mate in every sense. Life often has unexpected and better plans for us!"
Gayatri Joshi's decision to prioritize her personal life over her career in Bollywood reflects her courage to break away from societal norms and expectations. While she may have left the film industry behind, her journey has been an inspiring one, showcasing the importance of staying true to oneself and finding happiness in life's different chapters.