Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, who was stabbed 6 times by an intruder who invaded his Mumbai home, underwent surgery at Lilavati Hospital. He is out of danger. The 54-year-old’s family members were spotted outside the hospital as they arrived to check on him
Updated On: 2025-01-16 04:36 PM IST
Compiled by : Oshin Fernandes
Kareena Kapoor, who was with her sister Karisma and friends Sonam and Rhea, arrived at home around the same time as the attack. She visited the actor at the hospital in the afternoon.
Actor Sanjay Dutt was seen arriving at Karisma Kapoor's house to meet the family
Karan Johar arrives at Karisma Kapoor's house to check on the family
Saif's sister Soha Ali Khan looked tense as she arrived to see her brother who underwent a 2.5 hour surgery.
She was accompanied by husband and actor-filmmaker Kunal Kemmu.
Karisma Kapoor also arrived at the Lilavati Hospital to check on her brother-in-law.
Saif Ali Khan's oldest child and actress Sara Ali Khan was seen arriving at Lilavati hospital to visit her father
Ibrahim Ali Khan returns with sister Sara after visiting their father. Reportedly, Ibrahim had taken his father to the hospital on Thursday morning
Siddharth Anand also arrived at the hospital. He has worked with Saif in the 2005 film Salaam Namaste, and the 2007 film Ta Ra Rum Pum, and the former is also the producer of the upcoming heist thriller 'Jewel Thief - The Red Sun Chapter', in which Saif will star alongside Jaideep Ahlawat.
Actor Ranbir Kapoor who is Kareena Kapoor's cousin arrived at the hospital with his wife, actress Alia Bhatt
Some fans were seen outside the hospital holding posters wishing for Saif's fast recovery
The highrise in Mumbai where Saif and Kareena live with their two sons- Taimur and Jeh