Posterville The Twilight Saga: New Moon

21 October,2009 08:15 AM IST |   |  Agencies

A teaser poster of a vampire flick, that's second in an adaptation of a trilogy of novels by author Stephanie Meyer

What it is: A teaser poster of a vampire flick, that's second in an adaptation of a trilogy of novels by author Stephanie Meyer
Whou00a0it is: Featured in this poster are the characters known to TwiFans as the Volturi clan. Dakota Fanning, who appears in the forefront, plays Jane, who can cause pain with a look. The older man just behind her is Michael Sheen, who plays Aro, the clan's leader and a thought reader. The others are characters we'd rather learn about when the film releases next month
How it is:
It's a franchise that has proved it can work. While Twilight never released in India, the film has several fans here

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Hollywood New Moon Twilight Saga