Robert De Niro leading workplace that's abusive to women?

04 October,2019 07:44 AM IST |   |  Agencies

The USD 6 million lawsuit was unusual, and appeared to be a pre-emptive strike against someone who wouldn't sign a separation agreement

Robert De Niro. Pic/ Getty Images

The former vice president of production and finance at Robert De Niro's Canal Productions has alleged that the acclaimed Hollywood actor leads a workplace that's abusive towards women. Graham Chase Robinson's accusations come months after De Niro's company had filed a lawsuit against her, accusing her of abusing corporate credit cards and binge-watching "astounding hours of TV shows on Netflix", including 55 episodes of Friends. The $6 million lawsuit was unusual, and appeared to be a pre-emptive strike against someone who wouldn't sign a separation agreement.

As per The Hollywood Reporter, a $12million lawsuit filed in a New York federal court says, "Robert De Niro is someone who has clung to old mores. He does not accept the idea that men should treat women as equals. He does not care that gender discrimination in the workplace violates the law. Ms. Robinson is a casualty of this attitude."

Robinson accuses the actor of gratuitous unwanted physical contact."Among other things, De Niro would direct Ms. Robinson to scratch his back, button his shirts, fix his collars, tie his ties, and prod him awake when he was in bed," continues the lawsuit. "De Niro also stood idly by while his friend slapped Ms. Robinson on her buttocks."

The international portal reports that Robinson claims De Niro made sexually-charged comments, including calling her a "b''ch" and a "brat" while labelling another female business partner a "c''t."

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