Sai Pallavi hit the trend list for viral fake pictures of her wedding with director Rajkumar Periyasamy. The internet edited images taken during a pooja on the set of SK 21 and netizens circulated it on platforms like X. Irked by the rumour, the actress issued an official statement and put an end to the gossip.
On X, Sai Pallavi slammed those who cropped the original image to spread rumours. The actress wrote, "Honestly, I don't care for Rumours but when it involves friends who are family, I have to speak up. An image from my film's pooja ceremony was intentionally cropped and circulated with paid bots & disgusting intentions. When I have pleasant announcements to share on my work front, it's disheartening to have to explain for all these jobless doings. To cause discomfort like this is purely vile!"
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In an interview a few years ago, Sai Pallavi shared her take on marriage and said she doesn't want to tie the knot. Instead, she wants to be there for her parents and look after their wellbeing. She said, "I have decided to not get married. I want to stay with my parents and look after their well-being. With marriage, it won't be possible to fulfill my responsibility. So, I won't marry."
According to reports, Sai Pallavi will make her Bollywood debut with Aamir Khan's son Junaid Khan in an untitled film. Reportedly, the project will be directed by Sunil Pandey. It is yet to go on floors. A source close to the film revealed recently, "Junaid accompanied the team of his next film, an untitled love story in which he will star with Sai Pallavi under the direction of Sunil Pandey, to the city of Sapporo in Japan. The team had gone to do a recce for the film in the works as the preps for the same have begun. It is a love story set in the scenic beauty of this city, Sapporo which has never before been shown in Indian cinema, so there's going to be something really different in that aspect, in the film."
The film is yet to be officially announced.