14 May,2021 11:37 AM IST | Mumbai | BrandMedia
Gee Bryant
People, everywhere in the world, have intensified their search for success and perfection. To cite timeless words that have worked in many situations, 'practice makes perfect.' More recently, people have coined 'Practice makes possible,' and given the track record, we believe this to be true. Take a look at athletes, for instance, who practice every day to prepare for an event that might last less than a day. To be specific, a 100-meter race lasts between 9 and 12 seconds depending on the athlete's speed, but athletes train for the all-star round for that single event.
Gee Bryant stresses the importance of practice. You have the skills, but you need to keep practising to better yourself and unlock more 'levels' of your potential. This is even more important for people like him who never had the chance to learn or sharpen their skills in an organized setting. Through practice, he has become a top fitness coach himself.
Bryant, in his experience, has found that most people who find themselves stuck in their comfort zones got there due to lack of practice. Lasting success is dependent on what you do to keep your wins consistent in anything you do. The secret is to beat your previous record. Let's take fitness as an example, if you did 50 pushups during your last session, you should be aiming towards 60 the next time, and even more after that. Never get comfortable.
Gee's forte is doing. He says when it comes to entrepreneurship, what separates doers from thinkers is their actions and executions on their ideas. Ideas will never yield any results until you put them into practice. They will remain what they are; vague, fleeting abstractions even if you write them down. What makes the difference is action and working out your ideas. Through practice, you get to identify your strengths and weaknesses and work to better your business.
So, what exactly should you practice as an entrepreneur?
Entrepreneurship is a tough hill to climb, and you need to be patient with yourself and your business. Your process will get you where you want; just keep working at it and do not lose sight of your goals. In this, Gee champions a long-term mindset as most overnight successes remain as just that. The key to lasting success is enough patience to stack the blocks to get to the top. You have to stick to the process and trust it too.
Gee Bryant knows a lot about the process and practising patience, even though he also knows that you must be original and be patient with your convictions and style. Today, Yahoo Finance cites him as one of the most successful fitness coaches in the world.
Practice execution of your ideas; that is what sets you apart from millions of others who are sitting on their ideas. The best way to test your ideas' power is to execute and see how it pans out. Gee Bryant says that your ambitions should always go hand in hand with your efforts. Whether it works out or not, trying out your ideas is a very crucial learning process. "When I started my fitness program and the gym, I always knew I wanted it to be different. I wanted people to feel comfortable and enjoy the process while they see changes as well."
"Today I'm able to say my ideas were great, but there are even more ideas that I'm going to try out in the future," he says with a warm smile. Ultimately, you need to know yourself, your strengths, and your weaknesses so that you're not chasing your tail. This way, you can play to your strengths and work on the weaknesses that might hold you back from your goals.