31 January,2025 08:38 AM IST | Mumbai | Agencies
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More than 700 cases of leprosy have been registered in Thane district between nine months in 2024, a district official said on Thursday. In a bid to eradicate leprosy, the health department has announced the launch of a 14-day Leprosy Detection Campaign (LCDC) in Thane district, covering both rural and urban divisions.
The campaign, which will be conducted from January 31 to February 14, an official of Thane Zilla Parishad (ZP) said in a release. The initiative aims to identify and diagnose suspected leprosy cases through extensive search teams, ensuring that detected patients receive immediate multi-drug treatment, it said. As per the data released by the ZP, 711 leprosy cases were registered in the district between April and December 2024.
Experts warn
Experts warn that many patients tend to ignore the disease due to the absence of pain, delaying necessary medical intervention. The objective of the campaign is to identify undiagnosed leprosy cases, initiate timely treatment, and curb the spread of the disease by breaking the chain of infection, it said.
During the district coordination committee meeting held on January 13, a detailed action plan was drawn up based on available manpower, and the campaign will target 41,48,935 people with 26,84,894 in rural areas. To ensure comprehensive coverage, 2,532 groups have been assigned to oversee monitoring and supervision, the release added.
Leprosy is an infectious disease caused by bacteria and primarily manifests through pale or reddish numb patches on the skin, weakness in the limbs, thickening of the earlobes, and painful skin lesions. It can affect individuals of all ages and, if left untreated, can lead to deformities.
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