17 February,2025 10:56 PM IST | Mumbai | Shirley Bose
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Do you know what the stars hold for you in terms of love life, career, business and personal wellness today? Well, read on to know your astrological predictions as per your zodiac sign for February 18.
March 21 - April 20
Follow goals set in place till dreams are reality. Differences of opinion can be a minor crisis. Deal with it quickly, using innate maturity.
Cosmic tip: Use emotional sensitivity to resolve an issue.
April 21 - May 20
A review and consequent reflection helps in moving out of this slow karmic cycle. A conversation makes you happy.
Cosmic tip: Work through inner conflicts as this helps emerge as a much stronger person.
May 21 - June 21
Carefully study different saving options before deciding. Singles meet someone interesting at an impromptu party.
Cosmic tip: Take care of health.
June 22 - July 23
Business travel gets you down sometimes since it is undertaken regularly. Do get enough rest.
Cosmic tip: Listen to your partner/spouse's take on a situation, too, to decide behaviour.
July 24 - Aug 23
A totally new karmic phase is slightly confusing, but have faith. All will be well soon. Health is good.
Cosmic tip: Change manner of thinking and responding to end a feeling of unseen constraints.
Aug 24 - Sept 23
True happiness is something so intangible that sometimes it seems like trying to catch a moonbeam.
Cosmic tip: Read spiritual literature to understand how karma and the cosmos work.
Sept 24 - Oct 22
Those feeling side-lined at work could polish up their skills including PR skills. A business idea could work out if handled carefully.
Cosmic tip: Spend time with friends you haven't met for a while.
Oct 23 - Nov 22
Work is challenging. Pay attention to what you eat if suffering from bloating, indigestion and acidity.
Cosmic tip: Deal with sudden changes at home with trying to understand the other person's point of view.
Nov 23 - Dec 22
Being loyal to the company is as important as they being appreciative of your hard work, giving regular raises in salary.
Cosmic tip: Take a mini break (if possible) to unwind and relax.
Dec 23 - Jan 20
Upgrading technology skills is as essential as upgrading knowledge about the kind of work you've chosen. Take care of health.
Cosmic tip: Do maintain a healthy diet, exercising as advised and get enough sleep regularly.
Jan 21 - Feb 19
A new opportunity is staring at you. Be smart, using it before another colleague realises.
Cosmic tip: Confront and work through issues instead of wishing them away to initiate a more positive karmic cycle.
Feb 20 - March 20
If you don't work hard to build your dream life, someone else will hire you to build theirs. Keep communication clear even if you sound blunt.
Cosmic tip: Don't overthink. Action is needed.