On January 21, 2025, the vibrant pink blooms of Tabebuia rosea, commonly known as the pink trumpet tree, adorned the Vikhroli highway in Mumbai. The Tabebuia rosea, also referred to as the rosy trumpet tree, bursts into colour during winter and spring, creating a stunning pink canopy along the Eastern Express Highway.(PIC/KIRTI SURVE PARADE)
Updated On: 2025-01-21 04:21 PM IST
Compiled by : Anisha Shrivastava
The Tabebuia rosea trees, with their vibrant pink blooms, contribute significantly to the city's aesthetic appeal, transforming the landscape into a striking floral display. These trees, known for their minimal upkeep and impressive visual impact, continue to thrive along Mumbai’s highways, adding a burst of colour to the city’s urban environment.