IN PHOTOS: Train services between Churchgate and Mumbai Central disrupted after snag

The Mumbai local train services between Churchgate and Mumbai Central were on Friday disrupted after snag. Pics/Sameer Abedi

Updated On: 2025-01-31 05:45 PM IST

Compiled by : Asif Ali Sayed

The services on the Western Railway's slow line were affected. Pics/Sameer Abedi
The services on the Western Railway's slow line were affected. Pics/Sameer Abedi
The services on slow line were affected following a snag, the official said on Friday

The services on slow line were affected following a snag, the official said on Friday

The train services were affected between 3:27 pm and 3:51 pm on Friday, the officials said

The snag was reported due to an empty local train entering the Mumbai Central carshed breaching a point and getting detained

Some of the commuters at Mumbai Central were also seen walking on the tracks following the disruption

The commuters were seen switching over to the fast line

The Western Railway spokesperson confirmed the snag affecting services and said that the train was been detained due to unit failure and was being attended. Till then the services will remain down. All other three lines were working fine

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