The Warkari community participated in the 'Bhavya Palkhi Sohala' procession at Five Gardens, Wadala, in Mumbai on Sunday. During this procession, the 'palkhis' carrying idols of deities are carried by devotees through the streets, accompanied by chanting, singing, and devotional music (PICS/SHADAB KHAN)
Updated On: 2025-01-05 07:49 PM IST
Compiled by : Divya Nair
The Warkaris, known for their strong devotion to Lord Vithoba, participated enthusiastically, with many traveling from different regions to join the procession
The procession is usually accompanied by traditional dances, prayers, and celebrations
The procession is an annual event where Warkaris from different parts of the state participate, creating a vibrant and spiritually charged atmosphere in the city
Devotees click selfies during the procession
The Warkari community is a religious group primarily based in Maharashtra, India, that follows the Bhakti tradition and is devoted to Lord Vithoba (also called Vitthal or Pandurang). The Warkaris are known for their deep faith, spiritual practices, and vibrant religious festivals, and they are one of the largest devotional communities in Maharashtra