Rowdy politicians to get behaviour training

28 October,2011 07:00 AM IST |   |  Yacoob Mohammed

The recent knife attack on a bar owner at the behest of a Cong corporator has prompted the party to propose 'behaviour training' for its party men to save face

The recent knife attack on a bar owner at the behest of a Cong corporator has prompted the party to propose 'behaviour training' for its party men to save face

The Congress has been smirking from a spectator's viewpoint for months now, looking at the scam-ridden BJP falling apart in the state. However, recent instances of Congress party men involved in brawls and public misbehaviour has now forced the party to crack the whip.

Following the arrest of a Congress corporator from Bharatinagar along with his henchmen for stabbing a bar owner after the latter refused to serve liquor beyond the stipulated time, the party now wants to provide a 'behaviour training' seminar for all its party men to avoid further embarrassment in future.

Opposition leader Uday Shankar, who makes scathing statements against the ruling BJP in the BBMP council, has now hidden his face in shame.

"It is unfortunate that our corporators are involved in such shameful acts. To correct their behavior, our party will conduct a seminar and a monthly meeting to ensure that they do not indulge in such acts ever again," Uday said.

Gag order
Several corporators are feeling the repercussions of this act and are reportedly concerned because the party has been identified for all the wrong reasons.

Strange but true?

"I cannot react on the seminar for corporators due to the strange incident of the drunken brawl. The party leader has to decide and we will follow," said M K Gunashekar, Jayamahal Corporator.

Meanwhile, Munisanjeevaiah, corporator of Jayanagar East, criticised the attack and supported the seminar.
"As a corporator, one should lead by example.
But in this case, the corporator is identified for all the wrong reasons. I strongly condemn this misbehaviour," he said.

Queen's orders
Further, residents of Oklipuram have been complaining about their corporator's rowdy husband Chakravarthi.
He allegedly abuses people over the phone when they complain about civic issues in their area.

When questioned, we found out that corporator Queen Elizabeth has deputed her husband, Chakravarthi to attend all calls on her behalf. When questioned, she refused to talk about the matter.
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party bar owner Rowdy politicians Congress party BJP BBMP council Bangalore