4 books on elephants children must read

4 books on elephants children must read

Mid-day Guide

By Aakanksha Ahire
Published Aug 12, 2023
The elephant is a popular character in Indian literature, especially in children’s books. Here are 4 books you must read to learn more about the pachyderm

The elephant is a popular character in Indian literature, especially in children’s books. Here are 4 books you must read to learn more about the pachyderm

This award-winning book retells the story of how then Prime Minister Pandit Nehru responded to letters from children in Japan who wished to see a live elephant

Uncle Nehru, please send an elephant

This award-winning book retells the story of how then Prime Minister Pandit Nehru responded to letters from children in Japan who wished to see a live elephant

What happens when a little elephant gets lost in a forest and is adopted by a herd of buffaloes?  Does it behave like an elephant or a buffalo?

Elephants never forget

What happens when a little elephant gets lost in a forest and is adopted by a herd of buffaloes? Does it behave like an elephant or a buffalo?


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When a forest wakes up

Themed on animism, this beautifully crafted book will engage your young mind to be curious about the wonders of the forest

Gajapati Kulapati

This is a series of four books with a gentle jumbo Gajapati as the main character. He tracks his journeys through the ups and downs of a temple elephant’s life

Horoscope today: August 12, 2023

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