4 publications by Gita Press
4 publications by Gita Press
Look Beyond The Veil
It comprises a collection of English articles by saintly writer Hanumanprasad Poddar, who wrote under the pen name ‘Siva’, about peace and happiness
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Gandhi Peace Prize 2023
Gorakhpur’s Gita Press that last week won the Gandhi Peace Prize has been churning out Hindu religious texts for a century
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Shrimad Bhagavad Gita
Comprising discourses by Lord Krishna, it teaches one how to handle knowledge, and also how to get to know oneself and others better
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Balupyogi Pusthak
For parents who are keen on introducing their children to the values of Hinduism and Dharma, there’s the Balpothi Samanya series in Hindi
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Kalyana is a Hindi monthly magazine published since 1927 focusing on betterment of life and well-being. It covers devotion, knowledge, yoga, dharma, and more
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