5 dishes to try from this Ramzan menu in Hyderabad
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Ramzan menu
Terrai, Hyderabad’s neo-Telangana kitchen and bar, has curated a special menu that has unique dishes including Pyaaz ke Samose
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Badam ki Kund
No Ramzan feast is complete without traditional desserts. Terrai’s special offerings include Badam Ki Kund, a rich, nutty almond-based dessert
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Kheema ke Samose
Pyaaaz ke Samose is a delight for vegetarians but the Kheema Ke Samose is an all-time favourite that people can enjoy from the menu
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Mutton Haleem
While Talahua Gosht is always an option, one can`t say no to the Mutton Haleem that is a favourite during this time of the year, but not without the Shami Kebab
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Sheer Korma
If not the Badam Ki Kund, diners can also relish Sheer Khorma, a festive vermicelli pudding made with milk, dates, and nuts
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