5 eco-friendly alternatives to plastic

5 eco-friendly alternatives to plastic

Aakanksha Ahire

By Aakanksha Ahire
Published Aug 21, 2023
Use a cloth tote bag instead of using a plastic bag when you step out for shopping

Cloth tote bag instead of plastic bags

Use a cloth tote bag instead of using a plastic bag when you step out for shopping

Photo Courtesy: iStock

Ditch the plastic toothbrushes we have been using for decades and switch to using toothbrushes made from bamboo

Bamboo toothbrushes

Ditch the plastic toothbrushes we have been using for decades and switch to using toothbrushes made from bamboo

Photo Courtesy: iStock

Switch to using cutlery made from bamboo or wood instead of using plastic ones. Besides this, you can also switch to using paper plates and cups

Wooden cutlery

Switch to using cutlery made from bamboo or wood instead of using plastic ones. Besides this, you can also switch to using paper plates and cups

Photo Courtesy: iStock


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Switch to copper or glass bottles

Use copper or glass water bottles instead of using any kind of plastic bottles

Photo Courtesy: Amala Earth

Organic yoga mats

If you are a yoga practitioner who uses a synthetic plastic yoga mat, opt for an organic lenin yoga mat instead

Photo Courtesy: iStock

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