5 signs of a toxic relationship

5 signs of a toxic relationship

Aakanksha Ahire

By Aakanksha Ahire
Published Aug 25, 2023
Persistent criticism from one partner is a sign of toxicity. This can be verbal, emotional or even physical in nature


Persistent criticism from one partner is a sign of toxicity. This can be verbal, emotional or even physical in nature

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A fundamental requirement of any healthy relationship is respect. If one partner continually disrespects the other, it indicates the relationship is in trouble

Lack of respect

A fundamental requirement of any healthy relationship is respect. If one partner continually disrespects the other, it indicates the relationship is in trouble

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Good communication is essential for any relationship to thrive. In a toxic relationship, communication is littered with insults, put-downs and tension

Unhealthy communication

Good communication is essential for any relationship to thrive. In a toxic relationship, communication is littered with insults, put-downs and tension

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This is a manipulative tactic where one partner tries to make the other doubt their thoughts and feelings

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Feeling of being ignored

Little or no attention can be as damaging as constant criticism. A partner neglecting their partner’s needs can leave them feeling unwanted and invisible

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