7 immunity-boosting superfoods for winter season

7 immunity-boosting superfoods for winter season

Pic: Pexels

By Raaina Jain
Published Dec 26, 2024
Citrus fruits like orange and lemon are packed with essential nutrients like antioxidants and vitamin C that can help strengthen the immune system.

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits like orange and lemon are packed with essential nutrients like antioxidants and vitamin C that can help strengthen the immune system.

Pic: Pexels

Ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties. It can soothe sore throat, improve digestion and help boost immunity.


Ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties. It can soothe sore throat, improve digestion and help boost immunity.

Pic: Pixabay

Turmeric has various health benefits and is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It can also be helpful in boosting immunity against common cold.


Turmeric has various health benefits and is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It can also be helpful in boosting immunity against common cold.


Yogurt is rich in probiotics, calcium and proteins, providing essential nutrients for wellness, improving gut health and maintaining immunity.

Pic: Pexels


Garlic has antibacterial properties that help boost immunity. It is especially helpful to protect the body against cold and common winter illnesses.

Pic: Pexels


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Amla is a popular winter superfood which is rich in Vitamin C. It can help fight common infections, aid digestion and help boost immunity.

Pic: Pexels


Spinach and other green leafy vegetables like methi are rich in Vitamins A and C, iron and folate, helping fight infections and boost immunity.

Pic: Pixabay

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