A guide to buy the right food products
Aakanksha Ahire
Check the ingredient list and serving size of the product given at the back of the package. Ingredients are listed in descending order based on their quantity
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Avoid buying products that contain excessive food colouring, artificial flavours, thickening agents and emulsifiers
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Consume products that are minimally processed, have less ingredients and little to no additives
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Be aware of misleading terms. For example, sugar is also mentioned on packages as jaggery, dates, xylitol, sucralose, fructose, glucose, galactose, maltose, etc
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Check the carbohydrate content and quality of those products that claim to be sugar free
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Although terms like multigrain, wholegrain, natural, fat-free, low calorie might make the product look healthy, it is best to read the ingredient list carefully
Experts say it is always best to consume home-cooked food instead of ready-made food items
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To help people make better purchasing choice, a solution to put food labels on the front of the package is now being considered
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