Five common causes of PCOS

Five common causes of PCOS

Aakanksha Ahire

By Aakanksha Ahire
Published Oct 15, 2023
Given that PCOS frequently runs in families, it appears to have a hereditary basis. You are more likely to get PCOS if anyone in your close family has it

Genetic factors

Given that PCOS frequently runs in families, it appears to have a hereditary basis. You are more likely to get PCOS if anyone in your close family has it

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PCOS patients with ovaries typically have higher amounts of androgens (male hormones). This hormonal imbalance often can be a cause of PCOS

Hormonal imbalances

PCOS patients with ovaries typically have higher amounts of androgens (male hormones). This hormonal imbalance often can be a cause of PCOS

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Chronic low-grade inflammation is another common reason known to cause PCOS in women


Chronic low-grade inflammation is another common reason known to cause PCOS in women

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Insulin resistance

Insulin resistance, where the body`s cells do not respond well to insulin, plays a role in stimulating the production of androgens by the ovaries

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Lifestyle factors

Sedentary habits and obesity raise the likelihood of PCOS and aggravate its symptoms making daily workouts a necessity

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