Five things to know about heart attacks

Five things to know about heart attacks

Aakanksha Ahire

By Aakanksha Ahire
Published Sep 29, 2023
Although chest burning, underarm discomfort, shoulder pain, and back pain are signs of a heart attack, they can also be caused by other conditions

Although chest burning, underarm discomfort, shoulder pain, and back pain are signs of a heart attack, they can also be caused by other conditions

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A common description of heart attacks is crushing or squeezing chest pain, which can also extend to the left arm, neck, jaw, shoulder or back

A common description of heart attacks is crushing or squeezing chest pain, which can also extend to the left arm, neck, jaw, shoulder or back

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Atypical symptoms include nausea, shortness of breath, profuse sweating or extreme weariness might

Atypical symptoms include nausea, shortness of breath, profuse sweating or extreme weariness might

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Experts suggest seeking emergency medical help when in doubt or excruciating pain

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Health conditions diabetes, hypertension, a sedentary lifestyle, poor dietary choices and obesity are some factors that increase the risk of heart attacks

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