Five tricks to fall asleep faster

Five tricks to fall asleep faster

Aakanksha Ahire

By Aakanksha Ahire
Published Oct 03, 2023
Imagine a peaceful and calming scene in your mind. Focus on the details of the scene to distract your mind from racing thoughts


Imagine a peaceful and calming scene in your mind. Focus on the details of the scene to distract your mind from racing thoughts

Photo Courtesy: iStock

Inhale deeply for four seconds, hold your breath for seven seconds, and exhale slowly for eight seconds

4-7-8 Breathing

Inhale deeply for four seconds, hold your breath for seven seconds, and exhale slowly for eight seconds

Photo Courtesy: iStock

Tense and then relax each muscle group in your body, starting from your toes and working your way up to your head

Progressive muscle relaxation

Tense and then relax each muscle group in your body, starting from your toes and working your way up to your head

Photo Courtesy: iStock


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Guided sleep meditation

Listen to a guided meditation designed to help you relax and drift off to sleep

Photo Courtesy: iStock

White noise

Listen to white noise or soothing sounds to drown out disruptive noises in the environment

Photo Courtesy: iStock

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