Horoscope today: December 16, 2024
Shirley Bose
Aries (March 21 – April 20)
The day unfolds as planned and work is completed fairly quickly. Meet a friend for coffee.
Shirley Bose
Taurus (April 21 – May 20)
Life comes a full circle as new decisions have to be made regarding the future. Take time off to relax.
Shirley Bose
Gemini (May 21 – June 21)
Continuing to help those who deserve your care and compassion reveals making positive karma.
Shirley Bose
Cancer (June 22 – July 23)
Chafing at the restrictions placed; know it is for the best in the given circumstances.
Shirley Bose
Leo (July 24 - Aug 23)
Today is auspicious for signing legal documents. Continue investing in schemes that have brought good returns in the past.
Shirley Bose
Virgo (Aug 24 – Sept 23)
Two courses of action are open for you. Completing work keeps you tied to the desk, but this has to be tackled.
Shirley Bose
Libra (Sept 24 – Oct 22)
Someone at home is stressed about an outcome. Allay their fears.
Shirley Bose
Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 22)
Something that was troubling you ends as suddenly as it began. Be peaceful. Eat home cooked food to heal digestion.
Shirley Bose
Sagittarius (Nov 23 – Dec 22)
A karmic cycle of wish fulfilment begins, so choose wishes with care. Do get enough sleep.
Shirley Bose
Capricorn (Dec 23 – Jan 20)
Having a good rapport and mutual trust is a good basis for being involved in a business together. A long-term relationship begins.
Shirley Bose
Aquarius (Jan 21 – Feb 19)
Be quite frank, refusing the person’s request if feeling imposed upon; your time is important to take care of your own work.
Shirley Bose
Pisces (Feb 20 – March 20)
Keep mind focused, not allowing it to run around in five different directions that bring more confusion. A trip out of town is enjoyable.
Shirley Bose