Horoscope today, October 24
Accept well-meant advice in the spirit of which it is given. Financial situation improves.
Acceptance of family is important but not at the cost of long term happiness.
Immediately discuss a point of dissent for clarity. Be on your guard and very aware in every circumstance/ situation.
Keep equation with colleagues positive, avoiding internal politics. The relationship has moved too quickly, but maintain equilibrium
Stay true to your nature, not allowing yourself to be manipulated. Younger Leos enter a fertile period.
Be practical when agreeing to a deadline which sounds too immediate even while discussing it. Health is good.
You don’t like being questioned about some work, but hard luck; you have to explain the point.
Consciously compartmentalize life to move it along in a stress-free manner. Being offered a safe project with no risks sounds great.
Do justice to whatever work you take up. Modify the daily diet to increase energy levels extra quickly.
Deal patiently with a workman undertaking minor repairs. The Tarot highlights a move or a change of residence.
Drive carefully and with complete concentration. A business trip is re-scheduled, much to your relief. Health is good.
A plateau phase could be accepted as a chance to learn and grow from the experience. Keep the mind peaceful.