Horoscope today, September 7
Aries, March 21 – April 20
Information withheld is actually someone trying to mentally control you. Hire a personal trainer if needing extra motivation to work out.
Taurus, April 21 – May 20
Stay true to the truth even if others don’t mind deviating from it just a little.
Gemini, May 21 – June 21
It may take a while to make a plan of action that can be relied on. Give due importance to advice given.
Cancer, June 22 – July 23
Seeing to electrical repairs may take quite sometime in the morning. Receiving assurance of a job well done is heartening. Do follow a healthy diet.
Leo, July 24 - Aug 23
A society meeting proceeds as expected, ending on a positive note of everyone being in agreement. Worries vanish soon.
Virgo, Aug 24 – Sept 23
Some have a promotion or a transfer to a better position at work. Being financially secure keeps you peaceful and content.
Libra, Sept 24 – Oct 22
Deciding to be practical is not an impulsive decision, but one which you make due to circumstances. Maintain this decision.
Scorpio, Oct 23 – Nov 22
Let go of what happened a lifetime ago. Holding on just makes you miserable. Choose to be in the moment and happy instead.
Sagittarius, Nov 23 – Dec 22
Gently flow in this slow moving karmic cycle. You need to investigate more and enquire why a project has been changed so suddenly.
Capricorn, Dec 23 – Jan 20
Being a private person is how you have always been, but some people find you secretive too. Allow certain mysteries of life to unravel in time.
Aquarius, Jan 21 – Feb 19
A sweet talker with malicious intentions tries to very cleverly be a part of your life.
Pisces, Feb 20 – March 20
Feeling confined or surrounded by a bit of negativity is something you need to deal with gradually. Do get enough sleep every night.