How to cultivate the habit of journaling

How to cultivate the habit of journaling

Maitrai Agarwal

By Mid-day online correspondent
Published May 29, 2023
The first step is to start with a gratitude journal. Cultivating gratitude in our lives helps us see the silver lining


The first step is to start with a gratitude journal. Cultivating gratitude in our lives helps us see the silver lining

Maitrai Agarwal

One can talk about how beautiful the day was with positive scenes to remember, the people involved in those positive scenes, and how it made you feel

Practice savouring

One can talk about how beautiful the day was with positive scenes to remember, the people involved in those positive scenes, and how it made you feel

Maitrai Agarwal

Write handwritten notes when you feel like appreciating your close ones. This habit will not only enrich your relationships but also improve communication

Appreciate your loved ones

Write handwritten notes when you feel like appreciating your close ones. This habit will not only enrich your relationships but also improve communication

Maitrai Agarwal


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Be intentional

Intent how you would like to behave in the day and also write the intent of how you would like to think by choosing the state of mind for the day

Maitrai Agarwal

Know your nourishment

What you eat also affects how you think and feel. Hence food also has a vital role to play in your mental health

Maitrai Agarwal

Horoscope today: May 29, 2023

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