Indulge in these unique offerings

Indulge in these unique offerings

Team SMD

Sunday Mid-Day
By Nascimento Pinto
Published Aug 07, 2023
HK Basics’ puffer crossbody handbags are light and a perfect travel companion during monsoons. Fit your phone, wallet, and a few makeup essentials. HKBASICS.COM

All puffed up

HK Basics’ puffer crossbody handbags are light and a perfect travel companion during monsoons. Fit your phone, wallet, and a few makeup essentials. HKBASICS.COM

Team SMD

Boof by Bella sells ethnic occasion wear for pets such as sharp tuxedos, and brightly-coloured kurtas and lehengas. Order from

Kurtas for doggos

Boof by Bella sells ethnic occasion wear for pets such as sharp tuxedos, and brightly-coloured kurtas and lehengas. Order from

Team SMD

Dr Aneesa Kapadia`s Life with Lupus-Mumbai on Instagram and WhatsApp is helps break myths and stigma about lupus. Follow @lifewithlupus.mum on Instagram

Caring for lupus

Dr Aneesa Kapadia`s Life with Lupus-Mumbai on Instagram and WhatsApp is helps break myths and stigma about lupus. Follow @lifewithlupus.mum on Instagram

Team SMD


Taj Magazine turns 50

Indulge in these activities in Mumbai

White button-down shirt

Arsh Clothing reinvents the white shirt with hand-painted illustrations of celebrities and popular cartoon characters. Order from @arsh_clothing_ on Instagram

Team SMD

For a wider reach

This HP keyboard is wireless, and connected to our laptop via Bluetooth and perfect for a WFH setup if typing on laptops is difficult. Order from Amazon

Team SMD

Exhibition shows BEST`s past and present

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