Mumbai reports 75 new Covid-19 cases

Mumbai reports 75 new Covid-19 cases

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By Anagha Sawant
Published Apr 04, 2023
As of April 3, none of the central, state and BMC-run Covid vaccination centres across the city are active

Mumbai reports 75 new Covid-19 cases

As of April 3, none of the central, state and BMC-run Covid vaccination centres across the city are active

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As per the BMC health officials, the testing will soon begin as the service provider is making all the necessary arrangements

Mumbai reports 75 new Covid-19 cases

As per the BMC health officials, the testing will soon begin as the service provider is making all the necessary arrangements

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According to experts, very few individuals require hospitalisation. There is a need to conduct more testing to know the extent of the spread

Mumbai reports 75 new Covid-19 cases

According to experts, very few individuals require hospitalisation. There is a need to conduct more testing to know the extent of the spread

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Mumbai reports 75 new Covid-19 cases

The BMC is awaiting fresh stock from the department

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Mumbai reports 75 new Covid-19 cases

Besides dispensaries, even peripheral hospitals do not have rapid testing kits and currently, they are sending swabs to Kasturba hospital for testing

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WR to add 11 local train services

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