Eye flu: Tips for prevention and care

Eye flu: Tips for prevention and care

Aakanksha Ahire

By Aakanksha Ahire
Published Aug 05, 2023
Refrain from touching your eyes repeatedly to prevent aggravating the condition. If you accidentally touch your eyes, wash them immediately with soap and water

Refrain from touching your eyes repeatedly to prevent aggravating the condition. If you accidentally touch your eyes, wash them immediately with soap and water

Photo Courtesy: iStock

Sharing personal items like towels and handkerchiefs should be strictly avoided to prevent transmission of the infection to others

Sharing personal items like towels and handkerchiefs should be strictly avoided to prevent transmission of the infection to others

Photo Courtesy: iStock

Refrain from self-medication. Don’t take any medication without consulting an eye doctor. Sharing eye drops with family members should also be avoided

Refrain from self-medication. Don’t take any medication without consulting an eye doctor. Sharing eye drops with family members should also be avoided

Photo Courtesy: iStock


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To prevent the spread of infection, it is important to avoid crowded places and stay away from the office or school if you have an eye infection

Photo Courtesy: Ashish Raje

Additionally, it is advisable not to send infected children to schools until they have fully recovered

Photo Courtesy: Thinkstock

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