Tips to avoid using earphones constantly

Tips to avoid using earphones constantly

Nascimento Pinto

By Nascimento Pinto
Published Jun 06, 2023
Using headphones is helpful as it is slightly better to use because they would cause less friction with the ear canal and the noise produced is more diffuse

Use headphones

Using headphones is helpful as it is slightly better to use because they would cause less friction with the ear canal and the noise produced is more diffuse

Nascimento Pinto

Instead of using earphones, use external speakers whenever possible. This allows you to enjoy your audio content without having to wear headphones directly

Opt for speakers

Instead of using earphones, use external speakers whenever possible. This allows you to enjoy your audio content without having to wear headphones directly

Nascimento Pinto

It is important to take frequent breaks while using earphones and keep the volume on low. Taking a 10 minutes break after every 15 minutes is a good idea

Take frequent breaks

It is important to take frequent breaks while using earphones and keep the volume on low. Taking a 10 minutes break after every 15 minutes is a good idea

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Limit listening time

Set specific periods during the day when you allow yourself to use these devices and outside of those times try to avoid using them altogether

Nascimento Pinto

Engage in active listening

If you enjoy listening to music, consider active listening that doesn`t require earphones. Play music on a speaker and actively listen while doing something

Nascimento Pinto

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