Tips to manage age-gap in relationships

Tips to manage age-gap in relationships


By Nascimento Pinto
Published Jun 04, 2023
An age-gap relationship could possibly be accompanied by a wealth gap. It`s important to set boundaries on finances at the start and assert what you both need

Set boundaries for finance

An age-gap relationship could possibly be accompanied by a wealth gap. It`s important to set boundaries on finances at the start and assert what you both need


Communicate openly about shared finances, money management, budgeting and even your lifestyles to understand what works best for you both

Have open communication

Communicate openly about shared finances, money management, budgeting and even your lifestyles to understand what works best for you both


Both may have pressing questions regarding the future and perhaps different priorities in life. Discuss this early on in the relationship to find a balance

Discuss future goals

Both may have pressing questions regarding the future and perhaps different priorities in life. Discuss this early on in the relationship to find a balance



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Issues with intimacy

If your emotional and physical intimacy needs vary, communicate openly, listen without judgement and find a middle ground


Find similar interests

Find interests that you both enjoy, make plans and, most importantly, stick to them


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