Tips to prevent acne in winter

Tips to prevent acne in winter


By Online desk
Published Nov 24, 2023
Begin your routine with a mild, non-drying cleanser that removes impurities without stripping essential oils, creating a clean canvas without causing breakouts

Begin your routine with a mild, non-drying cleanser that removes impurities without stripping essential oils, creating a clean canvas without causing breakouts

Photo Courtesy: iStock

Stay refreshed by sipping water regularly throughout the day and consume at least eight glasses of water daily for your internal hydration

Stay refreshed by sipping water regularly throughout the day and consume at least eight glasses of water daily for your internal hydration

Photo Courtesy: iStock

Use sunscreen. Shielding your skin from harmful UV rays is crucial even in winter. Despite the colder temperatures, these rays can cause damage

Use sunscreen. Shielding your skin from harmful UV rays is crucial even in winter. Despite the colder temperatures, these rays can cause damage

Photo Courtesy: iStock


Five benefits of Bhringraj oil

Have high haemoglobin? Don’t ignore it

One must always incorporate different foods in their daily diet to receive nutrients that are crucial for winter like Vitamin C, D, E and Omega 3 fatty acids

Photo Courtesy: iStock

Practising yoga, going for walks, exercising in the gym, and swimming for 30 minutes daily helps keep your body and skin healthy and happy

Photo Courtesy: iStock

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