UTI prevention tips for women

UTI prevention tips for women

Aakanksha Ahire

By Aakanksha Ahire
Published Jul 11, 2023
UTIs occur when intestinal bacteria enter the vagina. If you wear the same pants for a long time, faeces particles may enter your vagina and cause an infection

Common cause

UTIs occur when intestinal bacteria enter the vagina. If you wear the same pants for a long time, faeces particles may enter your vagina and cause an infection

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Wear fresh undergarments and wash them in hot water to remove all infectious particles. Avoid wearing tight pants as they can be unpleasant and harmful

Prevention tips

Wear fresh undergarments and wash them in hot water to remove all infectious particles. Avoid wearing tight pants as they can be unpleasant and harmful

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Have a bath regularly. Wash your genital area well

Have a bath regularly. Wash your genital area well

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When menstruating, tampons and sanitary napkins should be changed at least four to five times every day

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It is highly suggested to change your panties twice a day. This reduces the chances of infection. Buy new pair of lingerie after every 6-12 months

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