The upcoming film, 'BHK [email protected]', is set to release on February 5. Talking about his project, director Rakesh Chaturvedi 'Om' says, "Rather than a slapstick or double meaning comedy, our film is a clean situational entertainer."
Rakesh Chaturvedi 'Om'
The upcoming film, 'BHK [email protected]', is set to release on February 5. Talking about his project, director Rakesh Chaturvedi ‘Om’ says, “Rather than a slapstick or double meaning comedy, our film is a clean situational entertainer."
Rakesh Chaturvedi 'Om'
"The audience will be able to compare it with yesteryear films like 'Chupke Chupke', 'Khosla Ka Ghosla' and 'Bheja Fry'. It was a tough task to make such a film and it took almost five years. We are sure the audience will love it.”