Bollywood actress Celina Jaitly's two-week-old twins - Winston and Viraaj - have joined the Twitter family
"On their two-week birthday, we presented our sons with their TwitterIDs @winstonjhaag (Winston J Haag) and @viraajjhaag (Viraaj J Haag)... So stay tuned for baby talk (sic)," Celina, who is married to hotelier Peter Haag, tweeted.
The 30-year-old even took the responsibility of tweeting on her sons' behalf and the first message from the twins read like this:u00a0Winston tweeted, "First Santa Claus and now the Easter Bunny... Ya right!...They think I was born just yesterday..."
Viraaj replied: "Hmmm, what will I do first when I grow up? Maybe I should try to repaint my dad's car orange...innovation."u00a0The actress, who is currently based in Dubai, will vist Mumbai soon.u00a0