Neha Dhupia and Vinay Pathak unveiled an all new exquisite jewellery collection at Gitanjali's luxury store Giannti in line with the promotion of their forthcoming film 'Pappu Can't Dance Saala', a rom-com that will hit the theatres later this month
Neha Dhupia and Vinay Pathak unveiled an all new exquisite jewellery collection at Gitanjali's luxury store Giannti in line with the promotion of their forthcoming film 'Pappu Can't Dance Saala', a rom-com that will hit the theatres later this month.
The new 'Celestial Collection' offers exquisite jewellery from different designers and the range embodies craftsmanship, beauty and creativity.
It includes scintillating pieces from Stefan Hafner, Porrati & Calgaro. Suitable for all occasions, the Celestial Collection is ideal for the modern woman.
Each piece by the luxury brand includes mesmerising designs with a light modern touch that suit both modern and traditional attire. The Celestial Collection will be on exhibit from November 17-18 at the Giantti Store at Atria Mall, Mumbai.