With Aishwarya Rai Bachchan finally delivering a baby girl yesterday, the saga of Ash's pregnancy has come to an end. Pregnancy rumours have dogged the former Miss World every year since her marriage to Abhishek in 2007
With Aishwarya Rai Bachchan finally delivering a baby girl yesterday, the saga of Ash's pregnancy has come to an end. Pregnancy rumours have dogged the former Miss World every year since her marriage to Abhishek in 2007. CS gives you a timeline on the stories that floated around:u00a0
>>u00a0Rumours of Ash being pregnant first floated around in August 2007, barely three months after their wedding. But hubby Abhishek denied them.
>>u00a0Later, stories of Ash's being pregnant made news around June 2008, when the actress was spotted near Lilavati Hospital. But the actress squashed the rumours saying that both Abhishek and she were too busy to have a baby.
>>u00a0Later in December 2009, when Abhishek and Aishwariya said at a press conference that they would announce some good news soon, the media went into a tizzy speculating about Ash's pregnancy. The fact that she had gained some weight added fuel to the fire.u00a0
>>u00a0In February 2010, a national newspaper reported that Aishwarya was unable to conceive as she was suffering from stomach tuberculosis. The Bachchan family was outraged and threatened legal action against the daily.u00a0
>>u00a0Towards the end of 2010, there was again a buzz about Ash's being pregnant. She had apparently gained weight and was seen in ethnic Indian clothes.
>>u00a0In June 2011, Amitabh Bachchan tweeted that his daughter-in-law was expecting. However, the good news was followed with the controversial rumours of her having the baby through IVF.
>> Following this, there were rumours that Ash will give birth to twins or baby girl. And a baby girl, it is!