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Palash Sen: ‘People want to see our legacy unfold’

Updated on: 12 November,2023 04:39 AM IST  |  Mumbai
Sonia Lulla | [email protected]

Euphoria’s seven-city tour, Palash Sen says will help young gen understand “the music that made today’s music what it is”

Palash Sen: ‘People want to see our legacy unfold’

Palash Sen

Set to commence in December, the Indie pop rock band Euphoria’s tour will travel across seven cities. As the band marks over two decades in the industry, Palash Sen, commenting on its long-lasting journey in a volatile industry, emphasises the need to encourage writers to pen smarter lyrics. “Never compromise on lyrics. People believe that it is cool to use dumb words, but dumb lyrics create a dumb generation. Don’t be fooled into believing this generation is dumb. They are intelligent, and most of the smart kids are listening to western music, not Indian, and that is a [sorry] state of affairs,” says the musician, asserting that over the years, he has seen the quality of writing in music-making deteriorate.

With positive word-of-mouth being his greatest marketing strategy, Sen says he is certain to find new fans once they are exposed to his work. He asserts that his fan following continues to grow after the gigs. “It proves that our work continues to appeal to the young generation. People want to see this legacy unfold before them. We want the young people to know of the music that has made this country’s music the way it is today.”

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