Akshay Kumar along with the entire cast of Mission Mangal attended the trailer launch of the film at a multiplex in Andheri, Mumbai. The actor talking to the media at the event asserted that the subjects of his films need to reach a wider audience. Akshay slips into the role of a scientist in Mission Mangal. His character, along with fellow colleagues, is credited for spearheading India's mission to send a spacecraft to orbit Mars. While he celebrated the lives of those essayed in the film, Kumar said he knew little about the mission before the film came his way. "I did not have much knowledge about it. I got to know about it through my director. I learnt a lot from this film. Certain things were eye-openers, like the fact that Mangalyaan cost us just Rs 450 crore, and NASA spent over Rs 6,000 crore [on their mission]. Interestingly, the budget of my film 2.0 was Rs 500 crore. A story like this one should reach more people. I am thankful to the producers for backing this film." All pictures/Yogen Shah
Vidya Balan looked pretty in her black saree as she attended the trailer launch of her film Mission Mangal. The actress said real-life stories like the successful launch of the Mars Orbiter Mission by Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) should be celebrated by the society and cinema. The actor, who plays one of the scientists behind the 2013 project said she fell in love with the story the moment director Jagan Shakti and producer R Balki narrated her the script. The actor recalled that it was the first film in her career when she said 'yes' immediately. "I felt this story needed to be told. We Indians do not wear our pride on our sleeves for our country and I am glad that more films are being made that make us aware what a great nation we are. "When I roam around the world, I see people are so proud of their nation or heritage. If there is anyone who needs to be proud, it is us. Our culture, our history and our achievements are great and we should start celebrating them. I am glad our movies are doing that and 'Mission Mangal' is doing that."
Besides Vidya, the film also stars Taapsee Pannu, Sonakshi Sinha, Kirti Kulhari, Nithya Menen, Akshay Kumar and Sharman Joshi. Sonakshi, said the film celebrates the spirit of teamwork, something that was true behind the scenes as well. "We all are happy and proud to be part of this film," she said.
In picture: Sonakshi Sinha looks pretty in her blush pink saree at the Mission Mangal trailer launch.
Taapsee Pannu said they had tried to recreate the photo of the saree-clad women scientists celebrating the launch in the film as well. "We have tried our best to show the achievements of these women in a two-and-half-hour film," she said.
Nithya Menen, who is making her Bollywood debut with Mission Mangal, said she was glad to have chosen this project as her first Hindi film. "I wanted to debut in a good film and I have always followed that in South. We all worked as a team on the film. We used to eat together and Akshay would insist we eat together and he would get food for us. I felt welcomed and accepted here. I did not feel like this is my first film in Hindi."
Kriti Kulhari looked pretty in her saree as she attended the trailer launch Mission Mangal in Andheri.
Mission Mangal is an inspiring tale based on India's first mission to Mars, accomplished by a team of scientists at India's Space Research Organisation (ISRO). Backed by Balki and Akshay Kumar, directed by Jagan Shakti, the makers are hoping that the film becomes a landmark in Indian cinema, much like Hollywood sci-fi films. A film that inspires as much as it entertains.
Presented by Fox Star Studios, Produced by Cape of Good Films, Hope Productions and Fox Star Studios. Mission Mangal releases this Independence day!
In picture: The lead cast of Mission Mangal pose for the photographers at the trailer launch with producer and director of the film.