Salman Khan along with the Dabangg 3 cast and crew launched the trailer of the film with much fun and fare at a multiplex in Juhu, Mumbai. The fans are thrilled and excited for Salman and Sonakshi's third film in the Dabangg series, and there's a new face to welcome this time around. Mahesh Manjrekar's daughter, Saiee, will be making her big debut with this film. The young actress will play the role of a younger Chulbul Pandey's love interest. All pictures/Yogen Shah
While Dabangg (2010) and its sequel were separated only by two years, Salman Khan acknowledged that it has been a long wait to Dabangg 3. As he released the trailer of the third edition of the cop franchise, thus marking the return of Chulbul Pandey after seven years, the superstar said that the venture kept getting pushed due to his chock-a-block date diary.
In picture: Sonakshi Sinha poses for the photographers at Dabangg 3 trailer launch in Juhu.
Salman Khan said, "We had locked the story long back, but I wasn't able to do it due to other commitments. With every film, I try to give the audiences a little more than what I offered in my previous outing, in terms of comedy, action and drama. I have worked 10 times harder on this film."
In picture: Saiee Manjrekar looked pretty in her traditional attire as she attended the trailer launch of her debut film Dabangg 3.
If Salman and Sonakshi Sinha reprise their characters from the blockbuster franchise, the latest offering also sees Saiee Manjrekar making her Bollywood debut. The actor added that they trusted Prabhudeva with the directorial responsibility, knowing that the film would arrive amid sky-high expectations.
Arbaaz Khan, who is also part of Dabangg 3, attended the trailer launch of the film with girlfriend Giorgia Andriani.
Salman Khan talking about sequels said, "Usually, sequels don't fare as well as the first film. But we have worked hard on this one. Dabangg 3 should be the biggest of the lot. It has lot more than just masala."
Dabangg 3 is directed by Prabhudeva and produced by Salma Khan, Arbaaz Khan and Nikhil Dwivedi under the banner of Salman Khan Films and is slated to release on December 20, 2019.
In picture: Sonakshi Sinha, Salman Khan, Saiee Manjrekar, Prabhudeva, Nikhil Dwivedi and Bhushan Kumar at the Dabangg 3 trailer launch.
You know you're in for a generous dose of swag when Chulbul Pandey is in the house. The three-minute trailer of Dabangg 3 that dropped yesterday packs quite a punch as the audience is treated to the genesis of Khan's Robinhood-styled cop.
In picture: Salman Khan and Sonakshi Sinha share a laugh on stage at Dabangg 3 trailer launch.
Peeking into the protagonist's past, the promo shows how an ill-fated love story led the happy-go-lucky Chulbul Pandey to turn into the messiah of the poor and the weak.