Sanjay Dutt and Arjun Kapoor, who are teaming up for a historical drama, Panipat, were spotted at Anand Pandit's residence in Juhu, Mumbai. Sanjay Dutt's first release of 2019, Kalank, mesmerised everyone and his performance in the film was appreciated by many. Now, the actor will be seen in period dramas like Panipat, Shamshera and Bhuj - The Pride Of India. All pictures/Yogen Shah
Over the years, Sanjay Dutt, also dearly called 'Baba', has treated the audience with characters that have gone on to resonate and strike a chord with the viewers. Known to have a powerful screen presence, the actor has played a number of strong characters in his diverse repertoire as an actor.
Arjun Kapoor is playing the role of Sadashivrao Bhau in the film. Sadashivrao served as the Sardar Senapati (Commander-in-Chief) of the Maratha army during the third battle of Panipat. Asked whether he is feeling any kind of pressure as it's his first period drama film, he said in a media interaction, "When you are busy in a shooting environment that time, you don't think about pressure and try to give your best."
"I am having a lot of fun shooting my first period action film. It's a huge ensemble cast film where we have created really big sets and war sequences so, I am having a lot of fun to submerge myself in that environment because as actors, we live for these moments where we can get lost in another world," Arjun Kapoor further added.
The actor further added: "It is a really exciting film. So far, we have completed 60 per cent of the film. We will complete the remaining shooting of the film in the next two months and by the end of the year, people will be able to see my look in the film."
Asked if there is any particular reason behind it, he said: "We are hiding my look because Ashutosh (Gowariker) Sir feels that when I'll be presented in the role of Peshwa in front of the audience, that time it should create the maximum amount of impact."